
The Armenian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ArSCRS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of cataract and refractive surgery in Armenia. It was established in 2022 under the leadership of Dr. Vahe Nanyan, an ophthalmologist and micro-surgeon, with co-founders Dr. Satik Martirosyan and Dr. Satenik Hunanyan.

Union slogans are:

Medicine is the fastest-moving vehicle.

If you stop, it should only be to plan your next step.

Honest teamwork is an unstoppable force.

Professional growth and development know no boundaries.

The shortest path to gaining new experience is through experience exchange.

Union symbol

The symbol is designed in the shape of an eye, emphasizing that the organization’s activities are closely related to the field of ophthalmology. The symbol is presented in blue, representing stability, wisdom, trust, and a good reputation, as well as green, symbolizing growth, development, and the beginning of new endeavors.

The lower half of the eye-shaped symbol features the Latin abbreviation of the organization's name.

The eye-like symbol also represents a planet, highlighting the organization’s goal to strengthen international connections and engage in global activities. This idea is further emphasized by the outline of the depicted eyeball, which also resembles the orbit of a satellite.

The satellite symbolizes all ophthalmologists united around a common idea—the advancement of ophthalmology and its continued development.

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